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My Pastoral Care UK
Pastoral care is a modern version of an ancient model of emotional, social,spiritual guidance
and support that can be found in all traditions and cultures. The term is inclusive of
distinctly non-religious kinds of support,as well as support for people
from religious groups.
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My Pastoral Care

There are over 9,000,000 Britons who describe themselves as always lonely. They are dying of thirst for human connection. In the USA, it is estimated that about 20% of working adult Americans experience a mental health challenge in a year. You may either be one of them, live with one of them or work with one of them. Our quick fix culture offers medication as the solution, but pills are not the answer, but someone to talk to when you are going through a mental health situation. In times like this what you primarily need is not pills or advice, although that may occasionally be useful, but rather the opportunity to put into words your dilemmas and your feelings so that you can fully understand what is going on. Loneliness is different from aloneness or being alone. Loneliness is about how you think of yourself, feel about yourself. One can be among millions of people and still feel lonely and vice versa. Connecting with the people who enhance your sense of worth is key to breaking your isolation, loneliness, and it is an effective tool to fighting depression. You or somebody you know may be one of them is here to help those people end their self-isolation and feel connected to themselves, to society and the world at large. Loneliness and isolation can negatively affect your mental health and wellbeing. We invite you to subscribe to one of our packages and end your isolation. It is fun. Get chatting today and get rid of the toxic emotions that have built up and causing stress, depression, loneliness, making you feel bored etc.

Who Needs Pastoral Care?

People who feel anxious, lost, are in pain because of the death of their loved one, those who feel isolated or disconnected, always feel lonely, overwhelmed, overburdened, experiencing other feelings and thoughts that are of being human, searching for purpose and meaning, identify in times of crisis or looking for hope and comfort.

The youth/teenagers. To be their companion on their journey from childhood to adulthood, develop resilience and resourcefulness, good habits, the values, and moral dimension which will support and nurture the individual’s wellbeing throughout their life etc.

The elderly and homebound To be a friend to the elderly and those who are homebound, those with nobody to talk to, or visit them, pray for those who need it, to conduct memorial service for those who prefer a celebrant led-funeral service to already made religious service etc.

We are looking for





To support our initiative so that we can provide this vital service for free to those who need it most. Most of us would require this service at some point in our lives. The ‘spiritual dimension’ according to the World Health Organization, ‘plays a great role in motivating people’s achievement in all aspects of life.

Our Verses


“My job is not to solve people’s problems or make them happy, but to help them see the grace operating in their lives.”

— Eugene H. Peterson

“Solitude is a chosen separation for refining your soul. Isolation is what you crave when you neglect the first.”

— Wayne Cordeiro,

Our Packages



£100 per month

X 4 Phone calls or x4 meetings on virtual platform such as skype, zoom, duo (up to 30 minutes each) WhatsApp.


£200 per month

X1 Face-to-face (Up to 60 minutes) meeting at your home or at an external venue e.g., coffee shop etc +

X4 Virtual meetings or phone conversation (up to 30minutes each)

Within zones 1-4


£400 per month with zones 1-4

X2 Visits lasting 60 minutes each and 4 virtual meetings lasting 30 minutes each and email support in between

What Makes Us Different

  • Pastoral carers are usually associated with a religious group. We are an independent pastoral care business offering high quality pastoral care services to a wide range of people. We place greater emphasis on “care” and not on religion as is often case with pastoral care offered by Chaplains. Our Pastoral care people
  • Our Pastoral care program is inclusive of distinctively non-religious forms of support e.g., bereavement support, as well as support for people from faith groups.
  • We’ve a qualified and experienced pastoral carer with many years of experience and has worked in different countries, passionate about the wellbeing and mental health of people, well versed in scripture, has the skills to guide people through many complex life situations, a good listener- who would make you feel heard and supported and is non-judgmental, has good questioning skills to facilitate the pastoral visit conversation by asking you relevant questions to help you gain fresh perspective on your situation.
  • My experience in pastoral care has taught me that people talk more about everyday life challenges than they do talk about God. You decide what you would like to talk about and how much you would like to share. You may use it chat about your hobby, pet, job, faith, family, or a loss you have experienced. We have the skills and knowledge to accompany you on your grief journey.

The World Health Organization’s Spiritual Care Philosophy

In 1984, the World Health Organization called upon its member states to include in their health care strategies a spiritual dimension in keeping with their social and cultural patterns. The Director General, Halfdan Mahler, justified the innovation without referring to other-worldly beings: The spiritual dimension is understood to imply a phenomenon that is not material in nature, but belongs to the realm of ideas, beliefs, values, and ethics that have arisen in the minds and conscience of human beings, particularly ennobling ideas. Ennobling ideas have given rise to health ideals which have led to a practical strategy for Health for All that aims at attaining a goal that has both a material and nonmaterial component. … The spiritual dimension plays a great role in motivating people’s achievement in all aspects of life. [World Health Organization Publication: Year 1991, Issue 9290211407, Ch 4: The Spiritual Dimension]

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